Marathon Oil
More information available in H2-2024

Current Score (vs. LY)

0.0 pts (-)

Last Update: Dec. 31, 2022

Current Rankings

Global: #584

S&P500: #398

Energy: #19


Quality of climate reporting based on public disclosures, completeness and verification of GHG emissions


Level of ambition through gross absolute emissions reduction and 'net zero' targets


Results and actions to deliver on commitments for real


Last update for Marathon Oil by May 18, 2024
Planning to use external offset credits Yes
Separate targets for emission reductions and removals No
Conditions on use of offset credits
  • No conditions specified
Plans for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) Yes (unspecified)

Additional notes: "Announced a goal for 2025 to reduce GHG intensity by more than 50% relative to a 2019 baseline. We identified multiple operational and design solutions to achieve this goal, including but not limited to continued replacement of instrument gas pneumatic controllers with lower or non-emitting technologies, connecting additional sites to utility power where feasible and investing in soil carbon sequestration to offset emissions." "One example of a beneficial collaboration is our support for soil carbon sequestration by funding a credit development project with Grassroots Carbon, formerly Soil Value Exchange. The organization is focused on unlocking the massive carbon storage potential of sustainably grazed pasture and rangelands, which cover over one third of the U.S. and represent an important ecosystem. Marathon Oil’s purchase of verified agricultural soil carbon storage credits through Grassroots Carbon will directly benefit U.S. ranchers who practice regenerative grazing techniques that draw carbon from the atmosphere and restore soil health. This method has the additional benefits of preserving or improving local biodiversity, the soil’s water retention in arid regions, and the quality of water in the watersheds where it’s utilized. Marathon Oil is interested in using high-quality nature-based carbon credits where they make sense. The Grassroots Carbon credits will be certified under the new BCarbon standard, a scalable soil carbon storage standard designed to work for landowners and carbon storage buyers. In order to deliver soil carbon storage credits of the highest quality, Grassroots Carbon will utilize an internationally-recognized soil measurement methodology as well as BCarbon’s independent verification and certification requirements."

Data source from - For more information, see methodology

Score Summary

Ref Principle Score
1 At least 2 years of GHG emissions for scope 1 and 2 are publicly-available and externally-verified 0.0 10.0 -
2 Scope 3 emissions are fully reported and externally-verified 0.0 10.0 -
3 CDP score demonstrates the level of transparent disclosures 0.0 10.0 -
Transparency 0.0 30.0 -
4 Net Zero Commitments by 2050 include an intermediate target and cover all the emissions 0.0 10.0 -
5 Net Zero targets demonstrate a high-level of emergency 0.0 10.0 -
6 Emission reduction targets on a forward-looking basis are ambitious 0.0 10.0 -
7 Targets are science-based as validated by SBTi 0.0 10.0 -
Commitments 0.0 40.0 -
8 Results re. operational emissions reduction: on-pace (performance-to-date) and momentum (forward-looking targets) 0.0 10.0 -
9 Results re. value chain emissions reduction: on-pace (performance-to-date) and momentum (forward-looking targets) 0.0 10.0 -
10 Implied Temperature Rating by MSCi 0.0 10.0 -
Results 0.0 30.0 -
Total 0.0 100.0 -

Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email

Score Details

Criteria Results 2023 Score 2022 Score Vs. 2022 2021 Score
Criteria 1 : Transparency on operational emissions (Scope 1 + 2)
Are S1+S2 figures publicly-disclosed for the last reporting year and the preceding period? NC 0.0 / 5.0 -
Are S1+S2 figures verified by a 3rd-party for the last reporting year? NC 0.0/ 5.0 -
Criteria 2 : Transparency on value chain emissions (Scope 3)
Are the 15 categories fully or partly disclosed? NC 0.0 / 5.0 -
Are S3 figures fully or partly verified by a 3rd-party for the last reporting year? NC 0.0 / 5.0 -
Criteria 3 : Quality and Frequency of reporting
What is the latest CDP score (no later than the preceding year)? F 0.0 / 10.0 -
How many interim reporting were provided between 2 reporting periods (GHG emissions only)?
Criteria 4 : Net Zero Commitments
Does the net 0 target include a statement of a generally-accepted net zero emission target by 2050? NC 0.0 / 3.0 -
Does the net zero target include an intermediate target by 2030? NC 0.0 / 3.0 -
Does the net zero target include all the emissions? NC 0.0 / 4.0 -
Criteria 5 : Target year for Net Zero Commitments
Target year for achieving net zero emissions for S1+S2? NC 0.0 / 5.0 -
Target year for achieving net zero emissions for S1+S2+S3 combined? NC 0.0 / 5.0 -
Criteria 6 : Reduction objectives
What is the forward-looking GHG% reduction (without compensation) for scope 1+2?
0.0 / 5.0 -
What is the forward-looking GHG% reduction (without compensation) for scope 1+2+3?
No target found
0.0 / 5.0 -
Criteria 7 : Science-Based Targets
What type of science-based target (as validated by SBTi) did the company commit to? NC 0.0 / 10.0 -
Criteria 8 : Results based on scope 1 - 2
Performance to date: cumulative% reduction vs. target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
The last reporting year could not be found
0.0 / 5.0 -
Momentum: last year % reduction vs. forward-looking target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
The last reporting year could not be found
0.0 / 5.0 -
Criteria 9 : Results based on scope 1 - 2 - 3
Performance to date: cumulative% reduction vs. target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
The last reporting year could not be found
0.0 / 5.0 -
Momentum: last year % reduction vs. forward-looking target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
The last reporting year could not be found
0.0 / 5.0 -
Criteria 10 : Implied Temperature Rise (ITR)
Is the company aligned with global climate targets? ITR: None°C 0.0 / 10.0 -
Total 0.0 / 100.0 -

Available Data Sources

Reporting Year 2022
Source Wikirate (NV)
Publication Year unknown
Scope 1 3,170,000
Scope 2 - location-based 190,000
Scope 2 - market-based NA
Scope 1-2 - location-based 3,360,000
Scope 1-2 - market-based NA
Scope 3 42,050,000
Total - location-based 45,410,000
Total - market-based NA


Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email